Dave's speaking style involves abundant research and numerous visual-aides and videos (including "behind the scenes" and "Dave on the street")  So be sure to have a fresh bulb in the projector! 

Dave prefers to involve the audience with demonstrations, polling the audience, and live 1 on 1 mini-coaching sessions to create the most memorable experience for your audience.


Employee Productivity

Presentation Title: Train your staff to replace you!


  1. Common practices that are limiting the potential of your staff.
  2. Trust your staff, let them fail and be there to catch them.  Child on a swing, mother with hands out.
  3. Clear Direction = Top Results
  4. The problem with verbal communication, using written instructions for tracking and EVERYONE's accountability.


Productive staff is the goal!  In this discussion, learn how to communicate more effectively with your team, properly set expectations, coach toward success, and a soft approach to discipline.




Employee Management

Presentation Title: Remote staff management


  1. Always manage - but never micro-managing
  2. Cat's away, the mice will play
  3. Measure results, not activity
  4. Get Buy-in on Policy Changes


Without a structured approach, managing a team can be like hearding cats.  Leadership starts be leading.  Learn how to be a more inspiring leader and watch as your team beings to follow.  This discussion will highlight the subtle ways your actions are causing your team to stray from your objectives.


Company Communications

Presentation Title: Stop Talking - Start Communicating


  1. The problem with email
  2. Avoid conflicting information with your customers
  3. Categorize customer communication
  4. Ensure Lead Followup


"Oh, I thought you meant for me to ..." or "I did not see that email."  Ever hear this in your office?  This presentation will introduce some very new ideas from a whole new perspective on how to better use technology in your business to track and communicate internal and external communications.



Book Dave to Speak