You Don't Have to be New (To make it in Business)

You Don't Have to be New (To make it in Business)

When Thomas Edison Invented the Lightbulb he got it Right on the First Try. Oh wait no. That's the most fraudulently untrue thing anyone has ever said about Thomas Edison. Picured: Without question the words of someone who knew exactly what they were doing the whole time. Beyond discovering thousands of ways to incorrectly assemble a lightbulb, Edison leaned heavily upon the contributions of other inventors, talents, scientiests and luminaries of his time to accomplish his "invention", and while being... Read More

By: zoe Friday July 30, 2021 comments Tags: Startups

Startups, Risk, and the Minimum Wage

Startups, Risk, and the Minimum Wage

When the First Federal Minimum Wage was presented to Congress, it was not widely Supported. When it was presented in 1933 in the National Industrial Recovery Act Congress overturned it on the grounds that it was Unconstitutional. It wasn't until Franklin Delenor Roosevelt presented it as part of the New Deal - The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 - that it was enacted in the sum of $0.25/hr (about $4.60 by the standard of 2017). Since that time, the Federal Minimum wage has served as a National Standard - partially upheld by Federal... Read More

By: zoe Friday July 23, 2021 comments Tags: Startups

Do You Work Too Much

Do You Work Too Much

Over 126 million Americans say they Work too Hard. That's equivalent to 1/3 of the national population. Statistics show the real number could be as high as 40%, which is a considerable margin when one considers the number of employees I'm talking about. To put that number in perspective, for new business registrations 2020 saw a historic, record-breaking jump of just 12%, or an increase to 1.5Million . That's an economic response through-and-through, and it reveals how individuals are willing to trade risks under a particular kind... Read More

By: zoe Friday May 7, 2021 comments Tags: Startups

Getting Through your First Year in Business

Getting Through your First Year in Business

It might not be Fair to say that Everyone's First Year in Business is going to be the Same ... But I'm still going to say it. For most entrepreneurs, the struggles of a first-year enterprise are ubiquitous. What are my resources, where do I apply my focus, how much time do I give myself to make it work. This week, our group of Small Business owners got together to discuss these topics on Clubhouse, here are our takeaways. Early in the 2010's, Chelsea left her job to go into Business for Herself She pulled together the... Read More

Friday April 23, 2021 comments Tags: Startups


